Monday, November 11, 2013

Up next on our three NFL interceptions we have the Red skins Vs. The Falcons. Now this interception is really funny. This left the other team completely confused. So what had happened was the Falcons QB throws the ball and launches it pretty hard. Out of nowhere comes number 91 and intercepts the ball. The other team didn't even get a chance to get their hands on the ball.

This Interception right here is also pretty crazy.
It get's knocked of number 53's head. Now this ball
hit number 53 with a lot of force. It bounced up really
high up. The ball was almost caught but was only 
knocked up even higher. At is was falling it got
caught by the other team just in the nick of time.

This interception is pretty similar to the first.
You can see the QB went and threw the ball
as hard as he could. Only to be intercepted by
the other team. Then the ball was rushed to the 
end zone. He almost got tackled by the 
other team but in the end number 51 still


Sunday, November 3, 2013

Today I'm here to give you the best NFL Interception to date. Although the're many NFL interceptions I'm only going to cover three for now. Here we have a very special and peculiar type of interception. In this interception we have two members from the same team and one member from the opposing team trying to catch a football. One of the football player tries to intercept but starts accidentally juggling it up in the air and the out of no where comes the member from the same team and dives for the ball.

Alright so this one is kind of hard to follow. You have Bennett preforming a tackle on Gallon. At this point Gallon has the ball. After the tackle however you can see that Gallon accidentally lets the ball slip. then number 56 swoops in and grabs the ball just in the nick of time. If Bennett wouldn't have tackled Gallon they would have kept the ball.

Right here we a really crazy interception surely the best interception of the three. Here in this game between the Bears and the Lions. You can see that the ball was almost captured by one of the football players but the slips and starts tumbling over most of the other players. Then the ball was save just in the nick of time by one of the members from the opposing team. He dives in and saves the ball a couple of milliseconds before the ball touches the ground.